Karolin - Centre for Polish Folklore

Mira Zimińska-Sygietyńska on a overhead camera arm, surrounded by members of Mazowsze Ensemble

Mira Zimińska-Sygietyńska: Karolin's First Lady

Talk and Q&A - Centre for Polish Folklore


tel: +48 22 208 87 00, +48 605 501 770, kontakt@karolinmazowsze.pl
The Centre for Polish Folklore in Karolin<br/>
ul. Świerkowa 2<br/>
05-805 Otrębusy
Ticket price
: Udział w spotkaniu w ramach biletu wstępu na wystawę.
Mira Zimińska-Sygietyńska was one of Poland’s most recognised and celebrated actresses of the interwar period. In 1948, she was instrumental in setting up Mazowsze with composer and conductor, Tadeusz Sygietyński, becoming the Ensemble’s director following his death in 1955. Her slight stature belied a formidable presence; she was a steely negotiator, a meticulous organiser and a tireless worker, and under her leadership, Mazowsze Ensemble stepped onto the world’s greatest stages. On the anniversary of her birthday, we will be hosting a talk about the life and work of this remarkable woman.

Entry to the talk is free of charge with a ticket for the permanent exhibition.